Well, somehow it happened... my baby turned 1!!! I cannot believe how fast this year has gone by. Her birthday was pretty low key... I made a spaghetti dinner, and then we had some friends over for cake and ice cream. It was really cute to watch Chloe get excited when we sang to her. Here are some pics from the night:
Making a mess of herself
Having at it with cake and ice cream. She didn't care about the cake or ice cream... but she LOVED the frosting. Straight for the gold. Smart girl!

Opening her presents
Some other very exciting news... Danny got a bike. He is thrilled about it, and feels that he now officially fits the med student reputation perfectly. He rides it everyday and loves it.
And lastly, I reupholstered my headboard. I am so proud! My friend Annie helped me, and even though we stayed up until 1 in the morning finishing it, I love it. I couldn't be happier... I think it is darling. Thanks Annie!
The finished product!