Chloe got her ears pierced last week! She did great... and barely even cried. She actually cried harder when the lady had to draw the dots with marker. But immediately afterward, we gave her a pacifier and she was totally fine. We got her little flower earrings to match her cousin Shea's, so now they are twins. I think she knows she looks super cute, because she loves looking at herself in the mirror.
Here are some pics to catch up on what we have been up to. Chloe is now 3 1/2 months old, she is 26 inches tall, and weighs 14.5 lbs. She is such a happy little baby... and we are just loving every second of her!
Chloe and her mama.
Surprisingly enough, Chloe loved her feet in the freezing ocean water!
At Avila Beach. This is Chloe's new favorite trick! She absolutely loves it!
Going to the tide pools in Los Osos.
Danny's cousin and his wife came to visit us for Spring break, and we went up to San Francisco... it was so much fun!
Chloe on her blessing day!
Chloe and her dad right after her blessing.
Family picture!
Grandma holding her two granddaughters while we all played tennis. As you can tell, she was in heaven!
Welp, now that we have a baby, we've decided to take the plunge and start a blog! Hopefully we will keep it updated with our latest doings... however, we don't exactly have much going on in our lame lives, so we'll see how it goes.......