Birthday party: Chloe went to her friend's birthday party last weekend, the theme was a "doctor" party. They gave these cute doctor boxes out as party favors... Chloe loves hers! She takes the items out everyday to play with them, and puts them all back when she is done... she takes very good care of her prized possessions.

Okay, I know this is pretty much the lamest thing to blog about. But regardless, I am amazed by this tip I learned, thanks to Pinterest! Check it out...
Day 1 - Day 3 - Day 6
Okay, these are green onions - I used what I needed for a meal, and put the leftover ends in a glass of water. That's it. These pictures are over a 6 day span. They grow like weeds! Now I will never have to buy green onions again!
A post about pregnancy: A friend told me I should fill out this "pregnancy questionnaire" so I can keep anyone that cares updated, and I can use this as a journal entry to remember this pregnancy. So, here it goes!
How far along? 33 weeks
Gender: Girl
Total weight gain: 18 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Definitely. I can still squeeze into a few non-maternity things, but for the most part I am full-on in maternity clothes... plus they are much more comfortable these days anyway.
Stretch marks? No
Gender: Girl
Total weight gain: 18 lbs.
Maternity clothes? Definitely. I can still squeeze into a few non-maternity things, but for the most part I am full-on in maternity clothes... plus they are much more comfortable these days anyway.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Not great. I feel like I have sleep insomnia some nights. Other nights I take a Benadryl to ensure a good night's sleep. However, I still wake up a couple times to go to the bathroom. My body is definitely preparing me for a newborn.
Best moment this week: It's a tie between two things. 1 - Seeing this little girl on ultrasound and watching Chloe point to the screen saying "baby sister". 2 - Going on a shopping and lunch date just Chloe and me.
Miss Anything? I miss sleeping on my tummy and wearing a variety of clothes in my closet. Overall though, I am feeling so good, I can't complain.
Movement: Constantly. Especially at night. She moves way more than Chloe ever did. And she gets hiccups like 2-3 times a day.
Food cravings: Ice, ice, and more ice.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not anymore!
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Wearing my normal clothes, sleeping on my belly, meeting this little girl, and seeing Chloe as a big sister.
Best moment this week: It's a tie between two things. 1 - Seeing this little girl on ultrasound and watching Chloe point to the screen saying "baby sister". 2 - Going on a shopping and lunch date just Chloe and me.
Miss Anything? I miss sleeping on my tummy and wearing a variety of clothes in my closet. Overall though, I am feeling so good, I can't complain.
Movement: Constantly. Especially at night. She moves way more than Chloe ever did. And she gets hiccups like 2-3 times a day.
Food cravings: Ice, ice, and more ice.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not anymore!
Have you started to show yet: Yes
Labor Signs: No
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy
Looking forward to: Wearing my normal clothes, sleeping on my belly, meeting this little girl, and seeing Chloe as a big sister.
32 week belly
33 week belly