Part 1: Easter!!!! We had a great Easter Sunday... opening our Easter baskets, going to church, eating great food, having friends over, and watching basketball and a movie. It was very fun!
Although not the best family picture, it's the only one we had from Easter.

Chloe opening her Easter basket!
Part 2: The Beach with the family and the Shumways! Our friends came up from San Diego to visit, and we had a blast! We went to the Farmer's market, the beach, and to see the elephant seals. It is always hilarious having them around.
Chloe loves the beach... for the most part. However, when we are there for too long, and it's nap time, and she gets overly tired, she can get pretty cranky. But here are some pics we captured while she was still happy.
Danny just loves playing with her.
Part 3: Sleeping baby. We love spying on Chloe when she sleeps. She is just the sweetest little sleeper, she is so warm, and her cheeks get so rosy. Although it is annoying how obsessed with her we are... we can't help it. She is just too delicious. So, here are a few pics of her sleeping.
Part 4: The Beach... again. Okay, so apparently we go to the beach a lot. We love it! And it's so fun taking Chloe because she loves her feet in the water, loves being outside, and if we are sitting in a remote area, she can scream and no one else around can hear her. So, it works for us. We will miss living near the beach when we move to AZ this summer... kill me now. Anyway, here are some pics when we went to Morro Bay last month...

I must add that I LOVE having Danny around everyday, all day. It is such a treat! He works graveyard shifts at a treatment center, where he gets to sleep most the time, then is free during the days... so we have it SO good. A little too good. Because, man, am I going to be lonely when he starts med school in the fall... he will be so busy. But I'm so glad the three of us get to play together everyday. I will miss this. I love you, babe!
Collin! Chloe is sooo stinking cute, what a precious little girl! You look great too! Looks like you guys are having a blast with her.
I love me a little sleeping baby! She is a doll and I love that you spend so much time at the beach. We have one of those but don't go since it is coldy cold here. So go enough for the both of us.
So precious pictures!! I can't wait to meet her :)
Oh she is so delicious! I love her and miss her so much! Keep putting up you!
Hey girl! It's been forever! Little Chloe is adorable, and you look fabulous! Wish I could be headed to the beach too! Can I just say I LOVE that you pierced your baby's ears, I totally will do that, as soon as I get a girl!!! Good to see your blog!
Hey Collin! Cute family!! Where is Danny going to med school? Did he end up interviewing at RVU in PArker, CO?
Hi Andrea! Great to hear from you! Danny will be going to med school at Midwestern University in Phoenix. And yes, he did interview at RVU, and they also accepted him... but he liked the AZ one a little better, so that's where we will be going. I hope all is well with you guys!
Collin! Thanks for your comment on my blog! It's so good to hear from you, and I miss you tons. Your little family is so adorable. Seeing pictures of your little girl is getting me more and more excited to have a girl of my own! Hope you are doing well, you look fabulous!!
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