Well, Danny has officially completed his first 2 semesters of med school! This last week was his spring break, and we had a total blast. It was so fun to have Danny around. We stayed in Phoenix, and did things around here that we normally can't because Danny is too busy during school. Here is what our week was filled with: a birthday party for our friends' daughter, the Phoenix farmer's market, we went out on a hot date (dinner to Cibo - amazing and totally worth the wait, See's candies, and a movie) while our friends babysat Chloe, we built our patio garden, played pool/ping-pong with friends, went to the Phoenix Zoo, lots of walks to the park and to feed the ducks, temple and Cafe Rio trip, went to the Children's Museum, Pizzeria Bianco, and lastly Danny watched Chloe while I went clothes shopping by myself! It was an amazing week... Here are the pics:
Evelyn's 3rd birthday party

Of course Chloe is chasing the ducks
Attempting to drink a water bottle by herself.

Completely soaked

Playing with James
Well, here is our patio garden that we planted. We have several different kinds of tomatoes, green peppers, basil, cilantro, and parsley. We are excited about it... now let's hope some stuff grows!
Feeding the ducks
The park. As you can see, she loves the swings.
Ping-pong and pool on campus with Annie and James:
Always fun hanging out with you guy!
Annie and James watched Chloe while we went to the temple and Cafe Rio. Here are some pics they took while watching her. Best. Babysitters. Ever.

Thanks so much! You two are the best!

Okay, this girl is obsessed with headbands. She has to be wearing at least one at all times, and if you try to take it, she will scream. She puts them on herself, then runs to the mirror to check herself out. This pic is classic Chloe - four on her head, and one in her hands. Love this little girl.
We spent a day at the Phoenix Zoo! Such a fun day... however, we thought Chloe was going to love all of the exotic animals that she reads about in her books... Nope. She just wanted to look at the birds and ducks walking on the sidewalks.

Petting a snake.

They had a cute petting zoo, where you could pet and brush the goats. Chloe loved it.
We went to the Phoenix Children's Museum. It was a really neat place for kids. Chloe was a little too young to really appreciate it, but she still had a blast. Unfortunately, when we got there, I locked the keys in our car, so we had to pay $100 to get a locksmith to come and open it up for us. I was so mad at myself! Needless to say, that kind of tainted the first part of the day. We still had fun though. Here are the pics:

Then after the Children's Museum, we went to the famous Pizzeria Bianco. I can't tell you how long I've been wanting to go here. And it finally happened. And it was glorious. The food was amazing.
Pure heaven.
We had such a fun week together as a family. I wish it could be like this all the time! But now Danny is back in school, and back to being insanely busy. It's great though... totally what he is meant to be doing! Chloe and I are going to Denver in a week to visit my family, and I'm way excited. Hope everyone is doing well!