Sunday, April 22, 2012

Easter, our bald baby, and sewing!

Part 1: Easter! The Saturday before Easter, Danny's school put on an Easter egg hunt for kids, so I went with some friends to have some fun. They had food and activities like cookie decorating, pictures with the Easter bunny, face painting, and a bounce house. Then there was the hunt. The horn sounded, and it was like the Hunger games. Kids running for their lives to get as many eggs as possible. Sadly for Chloe, she didn't get any because she was too slow. It was actually pretty funny. Then on actual Easter we just went to church then got together with some friends for an Easter feast!

With Stacey and Meredith

Easter Sunday before church

Part 2: Our bald baby. Chloe is growing hair... slowly but surely! Let's just say every day I pray that she will start growing some hair! I mean, it's just not fair that all her other friends her age have braids and pig tails... and Chloe has... headbands. Come on hair, please grow so her earrings aren't the only thing identifying her as a girl!

Part 3: Sewing! Okay yes, this may seem a little vain... but a few people have asked me to post pics of the skirts I've made recently. So, I had D take some pics of me... and yes, it felt awkward modeling my clothes and posing by myself, but oh well, here are the pics:

Top left: This wool skirt I didn't technically make, but I altered and modified it quite a bit. My mother-in-law gave it to me from her closet. She had it years ago (semi-vintage!), and I thought the fabric was way cute and that I could totally salvage it. It is a perfect winter skirt. Thanks, Mom!

Top right: This is one of the first skirts I ever made, with lots of help from my mother-in-law. It has pockets, pleats, and an invisible side zipper. Very comfy.
Bottom left: I made this in October, and it's still my favorite skirt. I love polka dots. I made up the pattern myself, and it ended up turning out pretty good.

Bottom right: I just made this one a few days ago, replicating the polka dot one. Love it! I am prepared for the summer heat now.

That is pretty much all that's going on here! We are doing great, and just excited for Danny's finals to be over in a few weeks. Chloe and I are going to Austin, TX to visit my sister, Liz, for the week of Danny's finals... it will be a good time to get away because he will be so busy studying. I am so excited to see my sis and her family!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

chloe chloe chloe

This little girl is just growing like a weed. She had a doctor appointment last week, and here are her stats:

Height: 32 inches tall (80th percentile)
Weight: 21.5 lbs (20th percentile).

I shouldn't be one bit surprised... I mean, look at her daddy.

She is still obsessed with headbands, the cat, books, and has now added shoes to her obsession list. She loves her shoes. Most babies love being naked... not this one. If I leave her in just a diaper, she will go to her dresser and bring me some clothes to put on her. Then, after I'm done dressing her she says "shoes", so I put on some shoes - even if we aren't going anywhere. Then after her shoes are on, she says "bow" - meaning headband. I mean, of course you need shoes and a headband to complete any outfit. This girl is 100% girl.

Oh, and last week she learned how to open doors. Yes, like our front door... now I need to make sure it's locked all the time so she can't escape.

A few weeks ago, she started saying "no". She definitely knows what it means, and she says it all the time now. It's pretty funny. She is talking like crazy, and is still signing a lot. Teaching her sign language was seriously the best idea ever (thanks Stacey!), because she is so good at communicating and getting her needs met.

And lastly, Chloe got sick last week. I know they are gross, but I had to post these pics because it's just too funny...

She woke up crying around midnight so we go in her room to see what the problem was, and she had thrown up all over herself, her sheets and her blankets. She just looked confused. The pics say it all. So we gave her a bath, and she went right back to sleep and was fine the next day. The evening she got sick, I had fed her a banana and oatmeal... and now (a week later), unfortunately, she refuses to even take a bite of a banana or oatmeal. Bummer, those were her two staples.

Everything else is going great with us... Danny will be done with his first year of med school in a little over a month. I couldn't be more excited, and this means he'll have a couple months off for the summer! It will be nice to actually have a husband around once in a while. Can't wait.