This little girl is just growing like a weed. She had a doctor appointment last week, and here are her stats:
Height: 32 inches tall (80th percentile)
Weight: 21.5 lbs (20th percentile).
I shouldn't be one bit surprised... I mean, look at her daddy.
Oh, and last week she learned how to open doors. Yes, like our front door... now I need to make sure it's locked all the time so she can't escape.
A few weeks ago, she started saying "no". She definitely knows what it means, and she says it all the time now. It's pretty funny. She is talking like crazy, and is still signing a lot. Teaching her sign language was seriously the best idea ever (thanks Stacey!), because she is so good at communicating and getting her needs met.
And lastly, Chloe got sick last week. I know they are gross, but I had to post these pics because it's just too funny...

She woke up crying around midnight so we go in her room to see what the problem was, and she had thrown up all over herself, her sheets and her blankets. She just looked confused. The pics say it all. So we gave her a bath, and she went right back to sleep and was fine the next day. The evening she got sick, I had fed her a banana and oatmeal... and now (a week later), unfortunately, she refuses to even take a bite of a banana or oatmeal. Bummer, those were her two staples.
Everything else is going great with us... Danny will be done with his first year of med school in a little over a month. I couldn't be more excited, and this means he'll have a couple months off for the summer! It will be nice to actually have a husband around once in a while. Can't wait.
Collin you are my kind of mama, photos to document first and then cleanup:) I think that Chloe is getting too big too fast. Love her tan little bod and sweet little face!
And i love summer break, having a school free husband is the BEST!!!!
Chloe is so cute! I love her sweet little grin! I can't believe she is so tall and such a girl! I love it! Wish she was here to dye Easter eggs with Ellie! Love you!
PS: the throw up pics are hilarious (:
Well Hello!! I'm glad you found me so I could find you:) blog stocking is now in session. Thanks for coming tonight! Jord said he just loved getting to know you guys better!
I love my Chwoe-way! Miss her! Such great pictures.
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