Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Some good news, some sad news...

Baby Shower: Annie and I threw our sweet friend Stacey a shower for her baby girl, Eden! We had lots of fun decorating, and making the food and treats for it. The turnout was awesome... Stace is one popular girl! It was so fun chatting with all the ladies that came, eating delicious food, and watching Stace open gifts. Here are the pics:

Thanks, girls! What a fun day. Welcome to the world, sweet little Eden!!!

Chloe's tooth: Well, my nightmare actually happened. On Sunday, Chloe fractured her front tooth and chipped off another part of her other front tooth. The poor girl was in so much pain. We scheduled an appointment with a pediatric dentist first thing Monday morning, and unfortunately the tooth couldn't be saved. I was a wreck, because I knew it would have to be pulled. I was super sad, not because of the pain it may have been causing her, or the possible trauma the dentist experience could be. Nope. I was a wreck imagining my toddler being toothless for the next 5 years until her adult teeth come in. Well, it did get pulled. Call me vain, but I am so sad that she won't have a tooth there for a while. Let's just say I cried for 2 days straight. I will get over it eventually, I'm sure.

The fracture.

Right after the surgery. She did great! She didn't even cry at all (and no, she was not sedated... just local anestesia).

The day after her surgery. She is happy as can be! Luckily, she has no idea that she is a Snaggletooth. The good news is that in a few months, when she gets her 2-year molars, we will be able to get her a little fake tooth that will look pretty decent. So, she won't be gap-toothed for too much longer!

Baby #2: And the pregnancy progress... I am feeling really great overall! I have energy, and I just feel good. I think I'm feeling better than I was when I was pregnant with Chloe this far into the pregnancy. We just can't wait to meet this little girl, and to see Chloe as a big sister! 

31 week belly!


Adam and Julie said...

Seriously, Chloe looks sooooo adorable with a missing tooth! She is so cute!

Big B said...

You and Chloe are champs! I have to say though that Chloe looks so darn cute with a missing tooth. To be honest, Chloe could lose all her hair and teeth and still look like a model.......just saying. Most people couldn't pull that off :)

Big B said...

And that was Meredith not Bryan.......haha!

Anonymous said...

Ah man! Her poor tooth! That is so sad- poor girl! Looks like Stacey's shower was fun! And I have to say... You are the cutest pregnant woman ever! You look great!