Sunday, December 16, 2012

One month old

Our sweet little Tate... you are one month old today! What an amazing month it has been. You are just a joy to be around, and we are all obsessed with you. Here are a few things [for journaling purposes] I do not want to forget...

- Your big sister, Chloe, loves you so much. She loves pushing you in your swing, giving you kisses on your head, trying to force a binky in your mouth, and every time she walks by you she says "hi Tate!".
- You smiled at me for the first time yesterday (December 15th). I have to tickle your cheeks in order to get a smile, but it melts my heart every time.
- You hate taking baths.
- Out of nowhere, last week Chloe started calling you Tee Tee.
- You LOVE being held. If you are awake and not being held, chances are that you are crying... waiting for someone to pick you up and hold you.
- You have a little mullet going on... you have a ton of long hair in the back of your head, and you are completely bald on top.
- You refuse to take a binky. I've tried a million times in attempt to stop your crying, but sadly, you are just not interested. 
- You like looking out the window and at the lights on the christmas tree.
- You complete our little family - at least for now :). It feels just so normal having you around. 

We love you, little girl. Thank you for making us so happy! Happy one month!


Anonymous said...

she is just a little doll! soo precious! happy one month birthday Tatum!!

Unknown said...

She is so precious...and makes me slightly baby hungry :) Okay really baby hungry!